Daijiro Nakagawa – in my opinion
Art direction, Photographs & Design of this CD & Vinyl: Shin Kikuchi
Teaser video, Trailer video, Music Video: Directed, Edited, Filmed by Shin Kikuchi
Art direction, Photographs & Design of this CD & Vinyl: Shin Kikuchi
Teaser video, Trailer video, Music Video: Directed, Edited, Filmed by Shin Kikuchi
Artwork, Design, Art direction & Teaser video – Shin Kikuchi
Photograph, design, art direction & teaser videos: Shin Kikuchi
artwork by alexander hanke / zum heimathafen
art direction: shin kikuchi
Photographs, design, art direction, teaser video & DVD authoring: Shin Kikuchi
[DVD(Music Video)]
1. In The Dark Woods
Directed by Shin Kikuchi
SCHOLE が歩んできた歴史の断片をここに集約。
SCHOLE のアートディレター、菊地慎の3冊目のフォトブック。当真伊都子の「when the world will mix well」のアートワークを製作中に撮影した写真や、ミュージックビデオから抽出されたイメージが収められています。
おぼろげな世界で 泡沫のように 消えるとき
when the world will mix well
In the dream, it’s difficult to memorize and always blurry.
Followed the sound of sea waves, and try to reach hands to touch, but it goes away.
There is always music what awakens, when one is wrapped by the calm and harsh sea.
In the dream, there is world with a beautiful hazy moon, where one can’t remain.
The sound of sea waves and the touch of sea sands can be felt, but the feeling goes away.
The sea surrounds me gently, who still remains in between of dream and reality.
菊地 慎
Shin Kikuchi