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synfilums – ReBorn:ReBirth























菊地 慎


I do not remember. The day I was born into this world.


Not because I wanted to, I was just born naturally,
I can now imagine that there was a warm light surrounding me.


I have tried many times to trace back my first memory.


The earliest memories can be recalled from my mind, but I cannot put those in the correct order.
By organising the photographs, the voices can be heard from the nostalgic pictures.
I do not know if the voices come from my own memories, or these pictures emit voices.


Imagining about a world where raindrops draw a line, and the beautiful sounds suddenly disappear and transform into the snow.
Foggy recollection covers the boundary between the ridgeline of heaven and earth.


I do remember. About the day of rebirth.


The day I was forcibly locked up and facing a dramatic change in my daily life.
The day my friend collapsed and realised my immaturity after taking over the job.


Or it might be the day I decided to be reborn.


Passing through “the day” what comes many times in life, does not mean the death of what I used to be.
I have came across the scenery, on the path where I continued on going with desperately struggle, and even in the wilderness where I have escaped.


I had a feeling, that I could transform those scenery into a beautiful scenery today.
The sun was shining like the moon, in the world with full of margins covered in foggy memories.



Shin Kikuchi

Schole Recordsのアートディレクターとして数多くの作品のデザイン・アートワークを担当しつつ、多くの音楽作品を送り出してきた菊地慎と、クラシックに裏打ちされた確かな技術で実験的且つ親しみやすいものを生み出すモダンクラシカルアーティスト当真伊都子によるデュオ『synfilums』の2作品目がリリースされます。今作もアートブックと音楽による作品となっております。
2曲目には2021年に公開された気鋭のイラストレーター loundraw(ラウンドロー)初監督映画作品「サマーゴースト」に劇伴音楽として制作されたピアノ小品を1つの音楽作品へと昇華させた「ReBorn」を収録、ギタリストのPaniyoloもゲスト参加しています。
ボーナストラックには1stアルバムにも収録された「Syn Crho」を2人の現時点の視点でリワークし、flicaやakisaといったSchole Recordsに馴染みの深いアーティストのリワーク作品も収録されています。

The second album by the duo “synfilums” consisting of Shin Kikuchi, an art director of Schole Records whom produced artworks for various musician’s albums, and Itoko Toma, a modern classical artist whom creates experimental but accessible sound works with her classical music background, will be released. The album contains both music and artbook as their previous release.

In this album, the second half of the album is produced by Toma by using the elements of music produced by Kikuchi in the first half of the album, it has a concept that a single motif can be reborn through imagination.

“ReBorn,” the second track, is originally a piano piece composed for “Summer Ghost”, the first film directed by the up-and-coming illustrator loundraw, released in 2021. It was sublimated into a complete musical work with the guest guitarist Paniyolo,

“Syn Crho”, a bonus track which also appeared on their first album, is a reworked music by Kikuchi and Toma from their current point of view. It also includes reworked music of flica and akisai, familiar musicians from Schole Records.

In the art book, it consists the photos and artwork produced to date with retouching and reworking, which bring new aspects to each work and stay more closely to the musical works.

///// Music /////

All Music by synfilums
Produced by Shin Kikuchi
Arranged by Itoko Toma

Bass, Vocal, Lyrics & Programming: Shin Kikuchi
Piano, Vocal, Synthesizer: Itoko Toma

Guitar: Paniyolo(track6)

Track13 reworked by flica

Track14 & 15 reworked by akisai

Recorded by synfilums
Mixing & Mastering Engineer: Hiroshi Iguchi

Art Direction, Design & Photographs: Shin Kikuchi

℗2023 88 landscapes

///// Art book /////

Photographs, Artwork & Design: Shin Kikuchi
Model: Itoko Toma
Published by SCHOLE INC.

©︎ Shin Kikuchi / SCHOLE INC.

Akira Kosemura – SEASONS

Cover design: ROKKAN DESIGN
Photographs: Yusuke Abe
Art direction, artwork & design: Shin Kikuchi

Akira Kosemura – 88 keys Ⅱ

Vinyl & CD

Artwork & Art direction: Shin Kikuchi

Haythem Mahbouli – Last man on earth

Artwork: Bader Klidi
Design: Shin Kikuchi